Because if you are a woman who spends a lot of the time feeling at maximum capacity to handle life and what it regularly throws at you. If you are exhausted and bereft upon a life that serves the altar of other people.
Or perhaps you are also out of touch with your sensuality to the point of numbness, with a less than explosive libido. Maybe you are a woman who has racked up experience after experience of frankly disappointing lovemaking. Potentially even terrified or disgusted by your own body and unable to self-pleasure?
Then you are in the right place.
Because you no doubt already know how important it is to to cultivate a capacity for a better relationship to your body.
here's what you might not know
Every Woman is Innately and Supremely Orgasmic
I teach that there is an innate sexual blueprint of health in every woman.
Because I have seen it time and time again.
Women come to me feeling like they may be totally broken when it comes to their sexuality. Or - even if they have some semblance of pleasure in bed - they come knowing that there is so much more available to them than what they currently experience.
Whoever they are though, and wherever they are on their sexual journey..
They come wanting more.
And why?
Because all these women understand in their bones and their pussies - that the benefits of unravelling the layers that lie in between their current sex life and the one they know they want, are truly life-changing.
They know that reclaiming and expanding their sex results in MORE.
But what if I told you it didn't have to be an effort anymore?
What if I told you that the most potent tool you have for embodiment, healing and an electric sense of alive empowerment is your inherent feminine sexual nature?
What if I told you that every time I teach a woman the tools to reconnect with the depth of her sex, she reports an increase in all of the following:
Libido + Sex Drive
Sex is the most potent rocket fuel known to womankind. It's like a form of nutrition. I teach women that it is possible for you to tune in and cultivate your turn on. To have it readily available to you like an in-built elixir. Because here's the thing: good sex creates more good sex. By paying attention to your libido in the right ways, you will build it up and your desire will be more available to you.
Unapologetic Authenticity + Desire
Knowing what you desire is major. Knowing how to ask for it without apology or debt to the giver is another level entirely. However, it is possible for us as women to get to the place where sex is no longer about commerce or performance. With practice we begin to know what our pussy wants. And we become unapologetic in our authenticity. Know what you want in order to get it.
Release into Deeper Pleasure
Orgasm can be worked with. She is always there. Under everything. We can learn to pay attention and see her respond with greater and greater levels of exquisite. Once you learn to love her out of hiding, she will amaze you with what she is capable of. Clitoral, g-spot, cervical, anal. Surrender and the ability to let go and let your body lead you there is the name of the game.
Radiant Magnetism + Influence
The guiding principle behind ORGASM is that your sex can be used to turn your whole life electric. It's not just a genital thing. A fully expressed sexuality enhances a woman's capacity to receive. Life becomes generally more effortless and easeful. The edges soften.
We all know women who's sex is so naturally magnetic, it's like she becomes the gravitational centre of every room she ever enters. Completely without show or force. And in my experience - this is not an exceptional woman, this is simply a woman in an advanced state of orgasmic flow.
Raw Feminine Power
The power of the unleashed feminine is pretty unfathomable. She lends herself to all sorts of things. It's a part of the orgasmic journey - you will find yourself feeling what your boundaries are. You will gain such confidence in your capacity to hold them that it becomes exciting to lean into pushing them slightly. To expand into a greater life. A greater sense of boldness, courage and purpose. ORGASM IS power.
Reclamation of Embodiment
Sensation becomes your your friend. Rather than spinning you out or making you want to run away, you can learn to know intimately how you are feeling on a sensate level. Patterns around fight or flight gets resolved as the brain rewires into new patterning and comes to feel safe in pleasure again.
Opening my sex? Awesome!

Sounds easy, right?
Or like - it should be easy, right?
I mean look at all those other women over there (somewhere) who are plainly in the throes of ecstasy at least several time a week, right?
Because my experience with women shows me, that even though the reasons to create a dynamic and fulfilling sexual experience are a no-brainer. The process involved in curating your own flourishing sexual self can be anything but straightforward.
In fact, more often than not, a woman's journey towards sexual health and happiness looks something like this:
It's like I am damned if I do, damned if I don't
I feel so deeply conditioned to please my partner before myself
I am so strung out by my life spent constantly serving others that I have lost the capacity to feel. I've become totally numb.
I think I may be carrying trauma from previous sexual experiences because even the thought of sex makes me feel panicky.
It is like I am frozen inside. It's common for me to feel nothing during intercourse.
I fake climax. I learned to perform.
I can only orgasm with my clitoris. And even then only in a certain position.
I have never had an orgasm. I find it impossible to let go.
Honestly, I dread it. Since childbirth sex has just been really painful for me.
There's no way I can be sexual without alcohol or drugs. It's like my pussy is dormant.
I'm guessing some of these women' experiences might be familiar to you?
Honestly, they are familiar to me too. As amongst all the women I have coached and worked with over the years. And with all the exploration I have done and continue to do through my embodiment and sexual deep dive practices, generally your issues will come down to three main sticking points as follows:
Fear, Anxiety and Trauma - This journey of sexual reclamation is not all love and light. I'd be lying if I said it was. There's a reason you shut down. And that reason will come to the surface once you begin to open again. But you know what? With that suppression of the pain, you also lost access to the pleasure and the power. And I know you don't want to tolerate that any more.
Lack of Approval for Where Your Sex Actually Is - When we have set ideas of how we think our sex should be performing, rather than how it actually is, we use a type of self-judgement that really locks that trauma in. As women, we are shown images of hyper-sexual, orgasmically satisfied women everywhere we look. But if we use this miseducation as our bar of reality, then naturally we begin to shame on ourselves hard. The result of this is that our innate sexual beauty barely has the space to draw a breath before we are haranguing her back into hiding again for not being good enough.
Lack of a Roadmap or the Knowledge About the Tools and Techniques - And even as you head out there all adventurous in search of what you want. It's true to say that we do not know what we do not know, right? The need for a roadmap is unavoidable. Expert guidance is essential. There are tools and techniques that will help you - you just need to find them, learn them and, of course, practice them.
Women Are Coming Together To Heal
There is a reason why female leaders like me are emerging all over the globe right now. And that is because there is a path to follow when it comes to unleashing your sexuality. There is a lineage. And that lineage involves your ORGASM.
Even if you are late to the party
Even if you feel it might all be impossible for you because you are plainly broken.
Even if you have found yourself fundamentally alone with all this and convinced that you must be different to every other woman.
The Key Ingredients are Actually Simple
Your List Title
It is time to give your orgasm and your sex the loving attention it deserves. If you can avoid giving it the wrong type of attention (i.e. the self-judgmental and self-critical type) then your pleasure will likely love you back tenfold.
It is important to find a teacher with the tools, techniques and plan to help. One who steadfastly believes in your innate blueprint of sexual wellbeing and who has guided women on this path before you.
Joining forces with a healthy feminine field is unavoidable. You are going to need to connect with those women who have your back, who are also on this path of awakening, and who will firmly cheer you on as you walk the steps to the kind of sex life you are dreaming of.
With your permission, I would love to share with you how you can get access to all of the above.
The tried and tested implementation plan to confidently curate your wild, free and unabashed feminine power - through the practice of orgasmic self-pleasure.

Because I have taken everything I have learned from many hundreds of hours of study with all the greats of this feminine lineage, together with my thousands of hours of practice in curating my own sexual emancipation and pleasure, and channeled it into a comprehensive, step by step experience.
As such, ORGASM is the only programme of its kind that:
Invites a culture of inclusivity. Creates somewhere it is safe to bring all of you into the room, even the parts you judge as sexually dysfunctional.
Maintains a rigorous space of learning which inspires practice. Accepts the failures as a part of this process, whilst also holding firm to the elevation of your sexual experience that you desire.
Curates a true sisterhood. Because the limiting belief that we have to do this alone is over. Together we get to build a field, and that field strengthens each and every woman within it.
Presents a tantalisingly diverse methodology. ORGASM dances to no other tune, but draws upon a myriad of rich traditions and incorporates bespoke practices to suit your own sexual unfolding. We are literally forging a new way - backed up with cutting edge scientific premise.
Cultivates your delicious surrender to your body's own innate compass as the true leader in all this.
"We can actually use sexual energy to heal. This is the alchemy of the erotic."
5 Week Online Course THE ORGASM METHOD (Value $1362)
5 Actionable modules filled with bite-sized lessons that are manageable to fit into your day. Includes 28 instructional videos, 14 beautiful PDF transformation exercises, and 25 follow along audio practices that use my proven coaching strategies to provide the roadmap to deeper embodiment and to growing a relationship with your orgasmic power that will never be forgotten.
here's how THE COURSE breaks down
A journey of 5 modules designed specifically to create trust and a willingness in your body and your sex to finally let go in what's been yours all along.
MODULE 01 - Let's Meet Your Orgasm
So many women say to me that they are convinced something is wrong with them. This goes deep into the female psyche and physiology - but nowhere deeper does this ring true than with their sexuality. When the reality is you have an innate source of power and orgasmic vitality inside you. This module will help you find where it is, and identify the key things it needs to flourish. Every woman has a unique sexual code. Let's locate yours.
MODULE 02 - The Art of Sex, Self Love and the Clitoris
It is really common for women to feel numb to their own felt experience inside. Sexually, this often shows up as low libido or lack of sensation. In life, it can show up as a lack of direction or desire. This module will bring you into direct contact with all the sexually responsive parts of your body and allow you to create a relationship built on self-knowledge, self-love and self-trust. We'll explore your anatomy, and uncover sexual parts you didn't even know you had.. You will learn what your sex is truly capable of by focussing attention on your clit, and you will learn how to increase your capacity to feel - everything.
MODULE 03 - Self-Consent, Crafting Containers and Your Vagina
We examine the fawn response and how women often people please in order to stay safe. This includes the bedroom too of course. We begin to understand the importance of boundaries and cultivating inner safety in increasing surrender to pleasure. Without your NO, you have no access to the fullness of your YES. This module is all about re-establishing a friendly relationship with vagina in particular is trying to tell you moment to moment. How to finally listen to her, and then how to artfully articulate and create sexual contexts that rocket fuel your turn on. We specifically look at increasing enjoyment from penetration, and finding deeper erotic edges inside.
MODULE 04 - Sexual Expansions into the G-Spot, Squirting and Anal Play
Life gets stagnant. When we numb out in freeze or fear then we tend to follow our aversions more than our pleasures. We keep things nice and narrow. But attachment to habits do not equate power. This kind of life always feels as though something is missing. It's time to explore how far can we can take this thing. Sexual expansion looks at reclaiming the wild in your body. We will venture into other other areas such as the g-spot and anus. Studying a step by step method for squirting and also exploring anal play.
MODULE 05 - Sexual Alchemy and the Celestial Cervix
What does it mean to begin to live your entire life from a place of sensual receptivity and fullness? How can you learn receptivity as power? What is magnetism and how is it possible to rely upon your turn on every day to get you into the flow? Is it possible that power is actually easy and nourishing to our systems? We finish with the bliss portal that is your cervix. Exploring cervical orgasm in particular and how to have one. Penetrating to the deepest parts of both your empowerment and your orgasm.
The Trauma Toolkit (Value $149)
The Complete Thinking Woman's Guide to Sex Toys (Value $12)
When I first began training in sexual healing I was horrified at the thought of self-pleasure with toys. I don't know - it all just seemed bit porno for me. Since then I have discovered how useful they can be in opening your body to pleasure in different ways and so I wrote this guide for women who also might need advice and guidance in this area.
Step by Step Manual to Feminine Squirting (Value $37)
When I first began training in sexual healing I was horrified at the thought of self-pleasure with toys. I don't know - it all just seemed bit porno for me. Since then I have discovered how useful they can be in opening your body to pleasure in different ways and so I wrote this guide for women who also might need advice and guidance in this area.
Title goes here
You Will Get
Plus When You Order Today
Working with me 1:1 in a bespoke package begins at £3000. The total value of this Orgasm Method package is:
However, if you sign up today, you can join for just 6 instalments of
Or invest in full and save a whopping 25% for
Invest Monthly
6 x monthly investments of
Invest in Full
Save 25% when you invest in one payment of
I want this course to feel like a "HELL YES!" for you, which is why I am including a zero-risk, money-back guarantee.
If, after the first module of the course and doing all the exercises in full and completing the homework tasks you don't feel like you have got £97 worth of value from me, then email my team (no later than the morning of Monday week 2, 9am UK time) and I'll send you a full refund. No questions asked.
here's what other women want you to know

I was able to let go into the deeper things...
"Julia's coaching became something that I looked forward to every week. She has a blend of warmth and honesty, approval and penetrating insight that had me trust in her and let go in our sessions. And I found clarity over some mother issues in a single session! She has a special skillset and I would highly recommend coaching with her."
Katie Saxon - North London

It helped me understand fears that were rooted in my body in a way that no other coaching had done before..
"I loved working with Julia. She helped me uncover desires and next steps for my future. She also got me to unconscious blocks at were holding me back from achieving these desires. I felt lovingly supported and held throughout the entire process. Julia's coaching is very body based... I cannot recommend Julia enough as a coach - it's a truly transformative experience."
Caoilfhionn Nic Conmara - East London

My dreams are coming into physical form..
"Wonderful Julia. She nudged me firmly and yet encouraged me to stretch my comfort zone with the kind of gentleness I crave. She helped me get back in touch with the soft whispers of desire and intuition. Dissolving grief that had blocked and hardened me for a long time.
Many months after her coaching her work is still having a deep impact on my day to day life. In an even better way than I thought possible.
So much love for this incredible, witchy woman.
Emma Tapsell - Kent
What Type of Woman is Best Suited to The Orgasm Method Course?
The Orgasm Method is the entry level course to working with me. If you saw my "3 Stages of Orgasm" webinar, you will have learned that I developed a system for the empowerment of women through liberating their sexual energy and embodied power and that one of my core principles is to go slowly and gently into this terrain. Sexual energy is powerful and women generally have a lot of wounding in the area of their sex and their power. It's inevitable in our world. So this course is for you if you are feeling stuck, disembodied, frazzled and like there must be more to life than this. We will gently get you to open to exploring your pussy as a guide recovering a life you want to live.
Will I have to Get on Camera?
There are no group coaching calls with this programme. You will never need to get on camera as a part of The Orgasm Method.
Why Is This Course Different To Others?
I love this question! And my answer is pretty straightforward. I don't run courses that are light on real change-making strategy and heavy on the fluff. I want you to get results from this. And as such, I have packed the five weeks with some incredible tools and techniques from all my years of coaching experience in this area. My expertise is in creating highly intentional programmes that are designed to craft clear goals and identify the steps to get you there. I also offer a full, money back guarantee where you can ask for your money back at the end of the first day of the programme and we'll refund your money, no questions asked.
Will I Have to Self-Pleasure?
The thing about sex and power, is that you won't reclaim any if you feel you HAVE to do anything. This course will help you develop a really grounded sense of self-consent. It will cultivate an experience of being sexual AND safe in your own authenticity at the same time. So if you don't want to self-pleasure then you don't have to self-pleasure. However, the latter stages of the course in particular are centred around self-pleasure practices and the aim of the material is to help you get to a place where these practices are possible and enjoyable for you.
here's what even more women want you to know
Julia is masterful...
"Feminine power is the ability to stand firm in honoring your needs, wants, and desires, without losing connection to your true essence of love. Julia is masterful, both in modeling this herself, but also in guiding others in how to do this in a way that is authentic to them!"
Nicole Crane - Utah
She helped me unearth and honor long lost parts of myself and to integrate them into my every day life...
"Julia holds a space where it is safe for you to go right to the core of truth with a method that is gentle but incredibly powerful. She coached in a way that empowered me to live more boldly and authentically in my relationships, my creativity and my work. "
Melinda Reaves - N. Carolina
Her coaching is so expansively holistic, I felt SEEN like never before.
OMG! OMG! Julia is TOTALLY wonderful. She probes so deeply, guiding me to push through my resistance to help me face some of the places I didn't want to look at because they were a source of such pain and loneliness for me. Specifically, as a person of colour and a woman, I can say that my conditioning (behave always, don't make waves) played out so disastrously over my life, has been turned inside out. Thank Julia, I'm serene. It's not too late. I'm myself. I love me. I'm making waves
Chas Hines- London

No matter where you are on your orgasmic journey:
Never yet reached a climax and it's really interfering with your sexual confidence
Hungry to expand into other types of orgasmic experiences - from clitoral to cervical for example, from uncovering the sensation in your g-spot right the way through to full body ecstatic surrender
Longing to be able to share the beauty of climax with your partner rather than just during self-pleasure.
Of if you simply want to up level your sex and live a life as wide open and audacious as your orgasm wants you to.
Wherever you are, I would love to help you get to where you want to be.
And I am here to help you unlock your orgasmic potential.
Title goes here
You Will Get
Plus When You Order Today
Working with me 1:1 in a bespoke package begins at £3500 ($4750). The total value of this Orgasm Method package is:
However, if you sign up today, you can join for just 6 instalments of
Or invest in full and save a whopping 25% for
Invest Monthly
6 x monthly instalments of
Invest in Full
Save 25% with 1 investment of