An Introduction to Vaginal Weightlifting
Lesson 28 Chapter 1 Module 5
Resistance and weightlifting exercises can be done lying down, sitting or standing – although obviously with gravity in play the standing exercises are more advanced.
We began to introduce some resistance training in our pleasure practices last week. This week we will increase those by having you stand and introduce the technique of squeezing whilst tightening AND whilst releasing.
This can take a bit of getting your head around. But it’s just practice.
Basic Weight-Lifting Basic Resistance Practice
You will want to start these exercises without weights, and gradually build up to attaching and playing with the weights.
Lying Down Resistance Training
(It’s important that you can carry out the following comfortably before progressing onto the standing exercises.)
Repeat each stage below several times:
Stage 1
1. Make yourself comfortable in a lying down position
2. Insert the egg and string
3. Pull lightly on the string as you inhale and suck the egg up
4. Relax the string as you exhale and let the egg move downwards
Stage 2
1. Tilt your pelvis up into the upwards bridge position from yoga. Inhale and pull the egg in and tighten your muscles around it.
2. Pull the string three times whilst keeping the egg in place and as you inhale.
3. Exhale and melt your pelvis and your spine back down to the floor
Stage 3
1. Inhale and squeeze around the egg and pull a vibration on the string
2. Exhale and relax the vibration
Standing Practice
Repeat each stage below several times:
Stage 1
1. Insert the egg and string
2. Stand up with the egg inside (The wider a part your feet are the harder it will be to keep the egg inside you. You can also turn your toes slightly pointing inwards to help keep it in place.)
3. Inhale and lift the egg up with your vaginal muscles – you can also imagine your pelvic floor like a pair of hands gently helping the lift.
4. Exhale, and still keeping the muscles gripping the egg, also use the muscles to push the egg down like in an elevator at the same time. Repeat these two last steps a few times and then:
Stage 2
1. Start a pelvic tilt – draw your hips forward and squeeze on the egg on an in breath as you do this
2. Move your pelvis back and squeeze on the out breath
Stage 3
1. Begin to circle your pelvis whilst squeezing on the egg
2. Breathe in and lift the egg up in three short sharp bursts
3. Exhale in three short sharp burst and push the egg down
When you have finished the above sequence, you can also move and dance wit the egg inside like this. It’s good to shake your pelvic floor at the end of your exercises to help free up any residual tension.
Lifting Weights
Once you are really comfortable with all of the above you can progress onto attaching a weight to your egg.
Simply repeat the standing exercises above, and incorporate also swinging the weights around.