PRACTICE – Pussy De-Armoring
Lesson 20 Chapter 2 Module 3
As discussed in the previous chapter, we explored releasing and de-armoring certain reflexology points within the vaginal canal in this week’s module. It’s a process of breathing, squeezing and releasing which deeply de-armors inside.
You can expect initial resistance. It’s important to just breathe and go gently through each section. It’s a really powerful way to work with sexual fear and distrust, and to help heal and open to sexual goodness and pleasure instead.
The process involves connecting with each internal area with the jade egg. You will gently be pushing the egg through the zones step by step. You can always keep your fingers inside as you squeeze and release too to help you feel the extent of the squeeze. (You can also use a penis or a dildo.) As we progress through the zones you will be using breathing, sounding, squeezing and relaxing and feeling specifically for areas of tension and/or stagnation that need release.
Pussy De-Armoring with Jade Egg Audio Practice
Deep within your vagina you can store all sorts of feelings, sensations and memories. This can lead to a state of numbness and pain. This massage contacts such places in a very safe, gentle and even pleasurable way.