Physiological Benefits of a Jade Egg Practice
Lesson 27 Chapter 1 Module 5
Vaginal Weight-Lifting and Resistance Training
This week’s practice is all about building strength and power in your pussy. It’s
a fun thing to do, and the benefits to your health and sexual pleasure are
many. In fact, you may well have come across these techniques online, as
there are some fairly notorious jade egg practitioners who have pictures of
themselves online lifting dramatic weights from inside their pussies. (#Things I
lift with my vagina.)
However, rest assured, we wont be lifting anything heavy with your pussy
today! What we will be exploring instead is a gentle introduction to some of
the techniques and also the benefits of this practice.
Increase Your Pleasure
Some of the most delicious jade egg experiences I have had personally involve
resistance and weight training with the jade egg. It truly is a fantastic way to
work those inner muscles and to gain more sensation from within and let go of
any numbness. In fact, it is scientifically proven that the stronger your pelvic
floor muscles, the more intense your orgasms. I can’t explain how juicy it is –
you are just going to have to try it.
You really should not be doing these exercises if you have an IUD fitted, or if
you have any kind of prolapse internally.
If you have any kind of pelvic floor tightness or pain, it is best to go really really
slowly with this. You can even give the weight lifting a miss if it feels better for
you, and practice with a tiny amount of resistance training with the string. The
turn on really is in the resistance – so you won’t be missing out.
Regular weight lifting or resistance exercises will relax and tone your muscles
as they strengthen them. Any increased tightness is a sign to stop and go ore
Stringing the Egg for Weightlifting
You are going to need a much longer piece of string for when you eventually
attach weights to the egg. The string will be attached to the egg on one end
and the actual weight on the other, and you want the weight to hang to a
couple of inches above your knees when the egg is inserted. So adjust
The Weight
You have a variety of options. You can buy weights designed for this very
purpose online such as these examples here. Just put kegels balls into Amazon
and you will get a variety of options:
Or alternatively, you could just buy a small bag and fill it with some dried
goods such as lentils or rice. A spoonful or two to begin with would suffice
(about 25grams).
Which Size Egg Should I Use?
If you have recently given birth or know you have a very weak pelvic floor
(urinating when coughing etc), then it is best to start with a larger egg.
However, for most people a medium sized egg is perfect.
How Do I Know If I am Strong Enough?
You can actually test your pelvic floor to see what kind of condition it is in. For
example, if you insert the egg with the string but you cannot keep the egg
inside upon standing then you know you have to start further back and begin
building these muscles up before even attempting to weight lift.
Another way to test is to insert the egg whilst squatting, and if the egg stays inside as you stand up then your pelvic floor is strong enough. Generally speaking, if you cannot keep the egg inside during simple resistance training, then you do not want to start lifting weights either.
How Do I Increase the Weights?
You would generally experiment with a weight for about 2 – 3 weeks before
gradually increasing your weight. If the first weight feels very easy, then start
How Long Do I Do This For?
Your weightlifting practice should only last about ten minutes each time. You
may feel a little bit of an ache afterwards – like with any muscle workout.
Honestly? It’s fun 😉 And leads to:
Better Orgasm
More of Them
Prevent Internal Prolapse
Helps Recovery From Childbirth
Increases Libido and Turn On
Increases Sensation
Helps Stop Urinary Incontinence
Increases lubrication of your pussy