Loving on Your Pussy – How to Insert Your Jade Egg
Lesson 10 Chapter 1 Module 2
Warming Up the Egg
There is nothing less attractive than a cold jade egg. Take the time to warm it
before use. If you sterilize your egg each time you use it by placing it in boiling
water – you will find that it is nice and warm anyways. (Always let it cool down
sufficiently before insertion obviously.)
Other lovely ways to warm the egg are to place it in your belly button as you
do your pleasure warm ups. Or to actually massage yourself, your breasts and
nipples and vulva with the egg too.
Pleasure Warm Ups
You will find basic warm up and pleasure exercises in this module and audios
for your personal use. You will also get to know these exercises well because I
will be using them when I lead the live calls.
They are very important because your pussy will need to be in a turned on or
receptive state in order to receive the egg. As mentioned, the heart, the throat
and the yoni are intrinsically connected. So the more we spend time opening
our voices, and connecting with and nourishing our hearts before our practice,
the more open your pussy will be to receiving the delicious egg experience you
want for her.
You could also just try simple self-massage or stimulation techniques too. For
example, oiling up and playing with your clitoris and vulva is a quick way to get
your pussy ready for the practice.
Make sure you spend a good amount of time warming yourself up. And once
you feel ready, take the egg and cover with oil or lube.
The number one “no no” in jade egg practice is just to insert the egg without
tuning into the body – does it actually want the egg in side right now?
Take the time to slow down after your warm ups and to really connect with
your pussy – what does she want? Is it a yes or a no?
To be honest, and in my opinion, this step of tuning in and asking consent is
actually a radical healing practice in itself. It is widely discussed that all sorts of
female pain issues may be related to this going too fast and missing the small
voice inside. How many of us have just gone gung-ho for penetration without
really ever listening truly and deeply for what is needed and desired in any
given moment by our vaginas? The act of being willing to listen is healing of the
first order. It may even be an important step of you finally opening to your
orgasmic potential, or healing chronic pain issues.
Personally, I have found it very interesting to experiment with this technique.
For example, sometimes my brain and mind can be a bit “Meh” about the egg.
I’m thinking it’s a no. But place the egg in the entrance of the vagina and my
pussy is so hungry for it it literally sucks it in. Pussy has a clear yes!
It can work the other way around too. Often on jade egg calls, when I have
made all that time and effort to actually GET there, I can feel a lot of resistance
if my pussy is saying no to the practice. There’s a lot of temptation to push
through and insert it anyway.
This kind of push is not recommended. Opening up your pussy is a subtle and
gentle art – let HER lead the way always. And respect her wishes at all times.
Yawning It In, Sucking It In, Twisting It In
So, once you are sufficiently relaxed and warmed up. The next thing to do is to
take the wider end of the egg and just place it at your entroitus or vaginal
entrance. (So string facing downwards.)
If it helps, you can massage your lips and vulva with your egg before you do
Place the egg at the entrance and RELAX and listen again. Check in one more
time. Is she ready?
Gentle pressure on the smaller end in this position is generally all that is
needed if she is.
You can imagine the entrance yawning open to receive the egg. Relaxing and
opening. You can also imagine the vaginal sucking it in – and sometimes even
making juicy, slurping noises can help facilitate the vagina doing the same!
Finally, gently twisting the egg will also help it slip inside and travel up the