Are you ready to do something about it?

Or it could be that you are struggling with some very deep and entrenched patterns and literally I am your last stop before divorcing.
Maybe you are in the early stages of devastation of learning about the affair? Or confused that you had one?

You can expect sexual practice. Starting very slow and very simple. You can expect do rediscover each other physically. You can expect to remember how your bodies love to feel together.
You can expect me to hold you accountable. if you want me to get in there and get really down and dirty with you on this then you are going to need to put the work in.
You can expect risk. Desire is powerful. Because the depth of your un-entitled desire is about as naked as it gets.
You’re going to have to be relentlessly honest - about your stories, your pasts, your part in it all.
Honestly, you can expect me to love you. You can expect me to be prepared to feel it with you. You can expect me to find it rough too.
My name is Julia lally. I am a sex and relationship coach.
And your relationship is worth the effort.

I highly recommend working with Julia as a relationship coach. In even just one session she transformed how my partner and I communicate when we're deeply triggered and angry at each other. We left the session with new skills on how to better understand and listen to each other. I learned how to ask him to slow down and go softer when I'm triggered, and I also learned how not to tell him how he's feeling, something that deeply triggers him. Julia achieved this through her gorgeous love and sensitivity and also with her piercing questions and sight when they were needed.

I felt it opened up a space for me and my partner to talk about things that were buried and latent in our relationship and thus difficult to talk about in a safe non-judgemental space. As a result I felt an increased connection, trust and openness between us and an increased ability to talk.
We also experienced heightened sexual connection and new fun tantric massages to play with. I appreciated the equal attention Julia was able to give to both of us and her even handedness. I also appreciated the strength of her insight and the combination of heart and blade that she used to open each of us up and then penetrate our protective walls and bullshit with kindness and clarity.

Rafael M
As a man, I felt seen and loved and also challenged in my relationship. I felt safe enough to cry; which has had my partner see the deeper more tender part of me.

I thoroughly enjoyed my sessions with Julia and would highly recommend her to anyone wishing to get a fresh and inciteful perspective on their relationship both with themselves and a significant other. I felt very safe sharing personal information and really appreciated the advice and guidance I was given.

Juila is a soul with deep hugs and luscious healing words. Holding space for the tender and frightened. Funny and generous with her Orgasmic vibes. Creating space for growth and expansion of your emotional wounds.
what will this do for my relationship?
With my tried and tested tools you will be able to :
Rocket Fuel Your Sex life
Disarm Continual Conflict
Create Your Relationship as a Power Sour
Create Your Relationship as a Source of Personal Power
Remember The Original Wild Magic You Shared
Learn the skills of relating as an ultimate adventure
Forgive and soften to love.

Initially a breathwork teacher, I went on to become a practitioner and trainer of Orgasmic Meditation, completing the One Taste coaching programme in 2017.
I then went on to further my study and toolset with Layla Martin's Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. With a burning passion to widen my repertoire and skills, and to really dig deeply into the essential pleasure practices needed for the liberation of the modern man, woman and couple relationship. Further to this training, I also worked with Shelby Leigh and Rachael Maddox to gain skills in trauma processing. And studied online with John Wineland and Jayson Gaddis.
I am also a mother, an artist and a founder and co-owner of a successful ethical business based in the UK - and in terms of living and breathing the teachings I offer, I have really and truly had to walk my talk.
INTRODUCING THE RELATIONSHIP TRAnsformation coaching package
Sometimes people will ask me exactly how we might work together. The truth is that each couple is different. Whilst I can describe some of the tools I will use below, the main thing to understand is the PROCESS that we undergo and co-create in the coaching container:
1. We will meet initially to discuss your goals, aims and ambitions for your relationship. This includes a lot of investigation into what is keeping you stuck from realising them.
2. Drawing upon my extensive and specialised couples training, I will create a bespoke road map for your coaching experience that will get you where you want to be.
3. You put the work in, you show up, you do the homework practices and you are willing to get your hands dirty.
4. We keep reviewing progress against the roadmap, to check we are travelling towards the desired goal, and to tweak where necessary.
Incorporating a wide range of coaching modalities, I have developed the following unique methodology which all couples who join me 1:1 on the Relationship Transformation journey go through:
This is a big one. What do you want? Why do you want it? What is holding you back? You need to know where the "problems" are and where they stem from in order to know tools and techniques to change them. A lot of digging to find your individuals truths happens. (Think somatic body exploration techniques. Attachment theory and understanding your relating patterns can be hugely clarifying too. Looking at shadow aspects, the things you are having trouble speaking - and bringing them courageously and lovingly into the light.) In the early stages of our work together we will craft a very clear container too - your boundaries and hard (or soft edges) will be uncovered. Because clarity creates safety and will allow us to dive to the depths without harm or exacerbation of any trauma.
You will learn powerful communication techniques such as NVC and Imago inspired relating. Finding ways to talk to one another without "blowing up" your relational field is critical. Connecting through desire together rather than force - these are skills that can be learned. We will literally use these techniques like drills together until they are totally natural to you even in times of crisis. In the meantime though, it’s great to have a coach in the ring with you.
Of course we cannot just learn language to heal, we must also allow your bodies to reconnect. Because I am trained highly somatically, a whole plethora of techniques - from orgasmic meditation to tantric eye gazing, through to specific types of touch exercises will be utilised. Love is made through connected, safe states of brain activity and I have a heap of somatic practices to help calm your nervous systems and rewire your brains to the place where they are able to help create and receive a state of relationship that will help you thrive in true connection. These exercises are simply beautiful and humbling to experience together.
It is super nourishing to a relationship to see your partner grow, and also to grow personally. To disentangle the places where you feel your partner should be and instead come into relationship with who they actually are is profound, challenging and wakes us up to reality. Healing is therefore inevitable. Relationship work can be really hardcore and you can expect to uncover aspects to shadowy, unintegrated parts of yourself as you build yourselves to become whole again. We will often journey to these parts of yourselves. We may use inner child work for example. Or journeying and visualisation. You can expect to develop profound levels of self love.
Sex is my specialism and it is the main focus that I bring to working with you. Of course you will need to get on together, to repair conflicts and to know how to navigate tricky territory and regain trust. But most of all you want this relationship HOT. You want the electricity back. You want this relationship to be something truly worth living for. My work is deeply tantric in that I believe in the power of polarity to reawaken magnetism and levels of ecstasy between you. The way we get you there is through understanding how turn on works, exploring masculine and feminine power dynamics, exploring different sexual techniques and practices, and aiming for true mastery with them. (Plus this is a lifetime's work right? And honestly you will get enough tools from me to last your entire life too!)
what's included in the programme?
2 x 2 hour intake sessions.
This is our chance to go deep into what is. The patterns and the stories. To get really clear on how your relationship has unfolded to date. The places it is stuck or withholding.
Together we then explore your desires, your hopes and dreams. And we weave those desires into concrete intentions. We rewrite the story and co-create a bespoke container for change. We curate an anchor of transformation which guides our entire process.
There is magic in this.
10 x 90 min Relationship Transformation coaching sessions.
We then put the work in. Coaching sessions are fun, tender, moving and connecting.
But most of all, they are a muscle that practices a relationship in line with your original redesign. Relationship work is not easy. But it isn't impossible either. And this is where you learn and practice all the tools I have at my disposal in order to embed your relational vision into reality. This is where we make it all possible.
Personalised Homeplay and Audio Practices
Between sessions I send you personalized home practices to help you integrate what we did in the session and deepen the process.
These will include audio-guided practices, meditations and visualizations, pleasure practices, audits and journalling, communication techniques and sexual practices.
And all the tools and resources you need to be able to support and empower yourself even after the completion of your coaching package.
VIP Post Session Emails and Voxer Support
To ensure you both take everything possible away from the coaching experiences, I will send you notes recounting what we explored in the session together.
Because this work is profound and transformative, you'll be able to read over what we covered in order to really let the layers penetrate the healing. Coaching sessions can each be seen as a self-contained resource for you to come back to over and over.
Voxer support is also available between sessions on this track in order to help accountability and any stuck moment that arise.

The Netherlands
Julia's coaching is full of careful, heartfelt guidance. I would say she is an expert at going deep whilst staying light.

Marie R
"I want to thank Julia Lally from the depth of my heart for the work she has done with my partner and I. I felt seen and heard by her and she helped me to see clearly what was really going on in the situation I was in, she helped me to understand my partner fully and that was needed . After the first session I was capable to take responsibility for what was going on and let go of me being a victim and blaming my partner.
I just wished I had hired her before!
I highly recommend people to work with her. She is such a wonderful coach!
She knows how to hold the space for you and bring you where you need to go.
With love and gratitude.

Louise S
Julia brought great wisdom, compassion and a golden energy to the sessions my partner and I undertook with her. She opened up the space for us to do the important inner work to better understand our own and each others needs, and work towards a much stronger foundation to our relationship, based on compassion and self-knowing.

Julia is really skilled at seeing and understanding the dynamics of relationship. She has this unique ability to go beyond what we share with her but also to read into the expressions we make toward each other and our body language to get right to the heart of the source of conflict/frustration. And she's also brilliant at reflecting back what she sees with a lot of approval. This helped both me and my partner feel truly seen and understood by Julia and therefore safe in her presence to open up further and go really deep. Her reflections of my partner also helped me better see and appreciate my partner's sensitivity which I'd previously had a hard time accepting. The exercises Julia came up with helped us get out of our heads and out of our usual patterns and engage with the difficult spots of our relationship in new and constructive ways. Overall our sessions have helped us have more connection and love in areas where there had previously been friction.

Julia's sight is exquisite. I felt held and loved through every minute for the session. Working with Julia has showed me where i have some current blind spots in relating to my partner. After our sessions I have the tools to have a deeper connection and understanding to my relationship.

I found Julia's coaching invaluable when I began a new relationship and was nervous about how it was working out. She helped me and my partner talk about issues from our pasts openly and without judgement. The sessions were deep but also fun and loving and we learned some new practices that have become natural sources of energy in our lives. I feel confident and satisfied with my new love and am enjoying life as never before.